Iran boycotts the Oscars and withdraws "A Cube of Sugar".

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  • 11:58 AM - 26 September 2012
  • 1 photo

In reply to the assaulting video against Prophet Mohamed; Iran decided to boycott the 2013 Academy Awards, the Oscars, and withdrew its film "A Cube of Sugar" which was competing in the Foreign Films category.Iranian Minister of Culture, Mohamed Husseini, demanded the whole Islamic World to follow their steps in this matter as a reply to the offence against Mohamed, the great Prophet of Islam. Iran is considered a strong competitor in this category and its very own "Separation of Nader and Simin" won the Best Foreign film in last year's Oscars.It's worth mentioning that Iran has also threatened to boycott the Venice International Film Festival around two months ago due to the oil sanations set on it by the European Union on it but they changed their mind and participated with a number of films afterwards.

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