"Goodbye Mubarak" appearing 4th and 5th days in Beirut Filmfest.

  • News
  • 05:54 PM - 6 October 2012
  • 1 photo

Katia Jarjoura's "Wadaan Mubarak – Goodbye Mubarak" will screen at the 4th and 5th days of the Beirut International Film Festival. The film revolves around the parliament elections that took place in November 2010 and pulled the trigger on the 25 Jan revolution. The 12th edition of the festival has postponed the screening of "Al Bostani – The Gardner" by Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf – which was due on Saturday and Sunday- for an unknown reason. The film by the Iranian – Austrian director Ramin Francis Assady "Orange House" to screen on Sunday and starting Monday a number of participating films in the Short Mediterranean Films competition will screen like "Pascal" by Iraqi director Rizkar Hussein, winner of Best Film and Best Original Script awards at the 2012 Gulf Film Festival.

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