In her media release to ; Syrian actress Kenda Alloush condemned the assassination of fellow Syrian actor Mohamed Rafee and stated:“I give my sincere condolences to the late Mohamed Ahmed Rafee’s mother and family members. Each and every Syrian blood that is spelt on Syrian land is a true loss and tremendous pain to all Syrians whether against the ruling regime or with it. I am against all kinds of murder and under any plea. No one must gloat in death; and the loss of a young Syrian man for acquiring his own opinion must never become a reason to attack another party. Yesterday and on my Facebook page, I clearly condemned the murder of Mohamed Rafee’s which I considered dangerous and is taking all of as Syrian into extraordinary measures. I was astonished to find the a huge attack against me on Facebook pages. I was also shocked to find fabricated news that I stated to France 24 site that I gloat for the death of Mohamed Rafee and I am for it! I confirm this news this false and completely untrue and unacceptable. When I went to the mentioned website, I didn’t find this news there! It turned out to be an attack against me and it means to abuse me.”