Carole Saqr screams while Lebanese stars are silent!

  • News
  • 02:50 PM - 5 November 2012
  • 1 photo

Star Carole Saqr feels she is the only Lebanese citizen concerned about the humanitarian situation in her country at the moment. During her interview in the TV show “Nas W Nas” with TV anchor Milad Hadshity on Future TV; Carole expressed her utter concern towards what is happening in Lebanon, and pleaded to stop the political dispute, violence and assassinations and demanded all politicians to unite their powers towards the benefit of “Lebanon”.Carole added that she is far from politics as many misunderstood her statements lately and thought she is willing to enter the political field. She also condemned that many Lebanese stars are silent towards the worrying situation in Lebanon while their only concern is to gather their millions.On the other hand, and back to her career; Carole said her long awaited duet with Melhem Barakat is almost finished.

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