In Photos: Mohamed Hamaki "Ultras" Celebrate the Star’s Birthday in Azhar

  • News
  • 11:06 PM - 5 November 2012
  • 4 photos

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A group of Mohamed Hamaki’s super fans gathered to celebrate the beloved star’s birthday last night in the Al-Azhar gardens. The tens of fans who showed up even made “Hamaki Ultras” t-shirts for the event. The birthday cake was similarly branded with Hamaki’s picture next to a happy birthday note. The group spent hours chanting Hamaki’s name, as well as singing some of his most famous songs. Hamaki didn’t hesitate to return the love, writing on Twitter that he would not have enjoyed his birthday as much without what his “Ultras” did for him. Hamaki is preparing for two upcoming concerts, one at the Cairo Stadium, and the other at Cairo University’s Hockey Hall next Friday.

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