Kim Kardashian Weighs in on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Gets Schooled

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  • 11:35 AM - 18 November 2012
  • 1 photo

Veering from her standard tweet, Kim Kardashian weighed in on the escalating conflict between Israel and Gaza and thus incurred the wrath of the internet.

On Friday, Kardashian, whose followers exceed 16 million,wrote “praying for everyone in Israel.” In return, she got thousands of hateful re-tweets, even some death threats. Hoping to patch things up, she hastily tweeted “praying for everyone in Palestine and across the world!” To her dismay, the second tweet only dug her in a deeper hole than the first.

After deleting both posts, the buxom celebrity offered up a diplomatic apology.“I should have pointed out my intentions behind these tweets when I posted them. The fact is that regardless of religion and political beliefs, there are countless innocent people involved who didn't choose this, and I pray for all of them and also for a resolution. I also pray for all the other people around the world who are caught in similar crossfires.”

It’s unlikely these misguided dispatches will have any impact on her stardom, which stands on the pillars of who she dates (now rapper Kanye West), what she wears, and her famously curvaceous body.

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