Mohamed Hefzy's "Asham" to Compete in Doha Tribeca Film Festival

  • News
  • 04:29 PM - 19 November 2012
  • 1 photo

Producer Mohamed Hefzy and the team behind "Asham: A Man Called Hope" are soon off to Doha for their official selection in the Doha Tribeca Film Festival.

Hefzy said in a statement to , "The film 'Asham' will take part in the official competition of the Doha Festival. The film stars a number of young faces, such as Amina Khalil, Mohamed Khan and Selma Salem, and was authored and directed by the talented Maggie Morgan."

The synopsis provided to the Doha Festival website offers a glimpse into what looks like a very exciting film: "The restlessness of Cairo during the lead-up to the 25 January Revolution provides the backdrop for the stories of six couples at different stages of romantic involvement. Linking these tales of aspiration, disappointment and joy is Asham, a street peddler whose optimism about a better future reflects the hopes of Egypt."

Meanwhile, Hefzy is preparing to participate in the Cairo International Film Festival, which will begin at the end of this month.

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