Frankenstorm Sandy Damaged Meryl Streep's New York Penthouse

  • News
  • 11:29 PM - 20 November 2012
  • 1 photo

The stars are really just like us. The New York City penthouse of "Iron Lady" Meryl Streep was apparently so badly damaged by hurricane Sandy that the actress has been unable to return to her $10 million dollar home since the storm hit.

Her lavish downtown home--in a Tribeca building that also houses Gwenyth Paltrow--experienced flash flooding during the super storm, which wreaked havoc on the northeastern coast of the United States. Tragically, a parking garage worker died when the building's basement was severely flooding, according to the New York Daily News.

Streep is currently scouting for a temporary residence. She joins the ranks of fellow Hollywood stars Jason Segel and Michelle Williams, who were also displaced by the storm, not to mention the thousands of people whose homes were destroyed in what has been called the worst natural disaster to hit New York in modern times.

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