Khaled El Nabawy to Star as Mostafa Mahmoud in New Series

  • News
  • 10:55 PM - 12 January 2013
  • 1 photo

has learned through private sources that director Mohamed Gomaa and producer Ahmed Abdel Aati have settled on Khaled El Nabawy to star in their new biographical show "Mostafa Mahmoud."

El Nabawy has, in total secrecy, agreed to take up the lead role in the series, which will chronicle the life of the late scientist Mostafa Mahmoud throughout different stages of his life.

The project will have its fair share of obstacles though. The makeup artist on the series has done a number of makeup rehearsals with El Nabawy, and has finished the makeup for Mahmoud as a young adult in the 1960s. The artist is still working on the 1980s look, which should be completed by the end of this week. This period of life is causing the crew a bit of anxiety, as they want to get El Nabawy's face as close to Mahmoud's elderly face as possible.

Screenwriter Walid Youssef is working on the putting the final touches on the script, although there seems to be a lot of back and forth between Youssef and producers around which of the many events in the scholar's life should be included in the show, as well as the length of the show, which may exceed 30 episodes.

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