Jason Trawick refused to be Britney Spears’ baby sitter!

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  • 11:49 PM - 14 January 2013
  • 1 photo

It seems that American pop star Britney Spears, who started dating Jason Trawick in 2009, was more or less a prison keeper, according to Trawick’s recent statements. The pair announced their engagement in December 2011 but broke up two days ago. Spears returned the $90,000 dollar engagement ring.

Spears assured the media that she and Jason will always love each other and will stay good friends, but those recent statements from her ex-fiancé might make her rethink those words. Trawick also said that he felt he was nothing but a babysitter to her children, 7-year-old Sean and 6-year-old Jayden, and a close source to Spears said in an exclusive statement to The Sun that she always manipulated him with his alarm so he would miss his appointments and meetings.

Spears faced another break up this week, but with the talent show "X Factor." She announced she would not be renewing her contract with them after hearing that producer and jury member Simon Cowell planned to end their contract with her.

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