Justin Bieber To Shoot Hoops with Mark Wahlberg Next Year

  • News
  • 01:10 PM - 19 January 2013
  • 1 photo

Mark Wahlberg revealed that his upcoming Paramount basketball film with pop star Justin Bieber will begin shooting by next year as both stars are preoccupied with projects this year. Bieber is busy with his tours and Wahlberg with the second part of"Ted" and the fourth part of "Transformers," in addition to a new film he's prepping for.

Wahlberg met with Paramount and suggested a film similar to "The Color of Money" that revolves around basketball. He recommended Bieber for this film for his natural hoop talent. Producers agreed to make the film and to hire Bieber in less than five seconds, Wahlberg said, and the script is being written right now.

It's worth mentioning that Wahlberg's recent film "Broken City," which was directed by Alan Hughes and stars Russell Crowe and Catherine Zeta Jones, was released yesterday in American theaters.

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