Pictures: Jesse and Celine (Thankfully) Reunite in "Before Midnight"

  • News
  • 02:27 AM - 22 January 2013
  • 4 photos

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Director Richard Linklater has teamed up again with the brilliant duo Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke to bring us the third installment of a rare project in Hollywood: a quirky, critically acclaimed, independent romance trilogy. "Before Midnight" (2013) premiered at Sundance Film Festival in Utah this week.

The first film, "Before Sunset" (1995), breathed new life into the stilted romantic comedy genre. It was enormously popular for its refreshing and realistic portrayal of Jesse and Celine, two young travelers who meet on a train in Europe and decide to spend the evening strolling the city and getting to know each other. "Before Sunset" (2004) delivers the reunion of the pair, nine years later in real time, when Jesse runs into Celine in Paris on his whirlwind book tour.

"Before Midnight" finds the pair again a number of years later in Greece. Delpy and Hawke, both writers in their own right, have writing credits on the second and third films.

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