Naglaa Badr Joins Cast of "Hekayat Hayat"

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  • 05:44 AM - 27 January 2013
  • 1 photo

Naglaa Badr has just joined the cast of the new TV show "Hekayat Hayat," which stars Ghada Abdel Razek. This makes Badr the third actress to sign a contract for the show, after Rojina and Reham Said. She'll be playing the wife of Ahmed Zaher's character.

"Hekayat Hayat" is written by Ayman Salama and directed by Mohamed Samy. It also stars Tarek Lotfy, Mahmoud El Gendy, and Khaled Selim.

Naglaa has also been working on "Taht el Ard" alongside Ameer Karara. It is slated to air next Ramadan.

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