Adele Visiting a Hypnotherapist to Conquer pre-Oscars Jitters

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  • 07:56 PM - 2 February 2013
  • 1 photo

Adele may have performed on the world's most famous stages, but the 24-year-old songstress still has crippling stage fright! The Brit is gearing up to make her comeback performance at this year's Oscars ceremony on February 24, where she'll belt out the haunting "Skyfall" theme song, which very well could win the little golden statue for Best Original Song.

According to The Sun, she's been regularly visiting a hypnotherapist to tackle her nerves as the event approaches. A source told the newspaper, "a friend in LA recommended the hypnotherapist because Adele was getting so nervous about the gig... She was so nervous before last year's Grammys that she was getting sick before going on stage. She doesn't want a repeat of that."

Last month, Adele made her first big appearance after giving birth to a baby boy last October, when she accepted the award for "Skyfall" at the Golden Globes, the song that she allegedly wrote in less than a half hour. The Oscars will be her first performance since becoming a mother.

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