Jennifer Lawrence to Attend Oscars in Sweatpants?

  • News
  • 12:04 PM - 6 February 2013
  • 1 photo

Awards season is soon coming to its dramatic close with the Academy Awards on February 24. Jennifer Lawrence, this year's hottest actress and Best Actress nominee for her role in "Silver Linings Playbook," teased she was considering wearing track pants to the annual show because she was "exhausted from dressing up."

"I have been thinking about it. We've got some sketches together, but nothing's decided yet," she joked at the pre-Oscars luncheon held at the Beverly Hilton ballroom on Monday. All of the nominees attend and give press short interviews about their Oscars experiences.

For Lawrence, this meant discussing how she would manage eating what she likes and fitting into her Academy Award finery. In 2011, when she was nominated for her performance in "Winter's Bone," she opted for a simple Calvin Klein red gown. "Last time was comfort. This year I'm like, 'Suck it up. Wear a corset.' I'm going to go for fashion this time."

As for her family's excitement this go-around, the 22-year-old said "It's very calm at my house. Nobody in my family has fully absorbed it. I can talk about other things than myself, which is great. And then the night of the Oscars, everybody just gets wasted and has a blast."

Everyone inside the industry and out has fallen in love with Jennifer Lawrence this year, and it's likely she'll win the Oscar for Best Actress.

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