Wael Jassar Refuses Pro Bono Concert to Support Tourism in Egypt

  • News
  • 04:13 PM - 23 March 2013
  • 1 photo

Lebanese singer Wael Jassar refused to sing pro bono in a "for the love of Egypt" concert to promote tourism. He apparently couldn't back down from his $30 thousand asking price, and instead opted out for a concert in the United Arab Emirates. He did offer up a kind apology though.

came across a media statement from a coordinator from the "Nawart Masr" campaign clarifying Jassar's refusal to participate in one of the concerts sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism. The coordinator remarked that Jassar had similarly refused to perform in a concert honoring the mothers of the January 25 revolution martyrs.

The coordinator added that the group had been fortunate to work with a number of stars who agreed to do shows for them free of charge because they recognized the role Egypt had played in their fame. These artists include Haifa Wahbi, Nancy Ajram, Hussain Al Jasmi and Hakim, who have signed on to do free concerts in support of re-energizing the tourism industry. These shows will take place in the coming days.

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