Video: Jon Stewart Defends Bassem Youssef After Charges of Insulting Islam and Morsi

  • News
  • 12:11 PM - 2 April 2013
  • 1 photo

Beloved television satirist Jon Stewart rushed to the defense of beloved Egyptian television satirist Bassem Youssef, who crafted his CBC show "El Bernameg" after Stewart's "The Daily Show." Youssef, charged with insulting the president and Islam, was released on LE15,000 bail after reporting to the Public Prosecution's office on March 31.

Stewart has a knack for slowly peeling away the layers of hypocrisy, and this episode was a perfect demonstration of that. Running U.S. news clips on the political and economic mess that is Egypt right now, Stewart jokingly questioned has this Bassem Youssef "been sabotaging Egypt's infrastructure? Or harassing Egyptian women on the streets? Or unemploying Egyptian people?" He feigned shock upon seeing that he was the same political humorist who appeared on his show last June.

Stewart quipped that if insulting the president and Islam were a jailable offense in America, conservative channel Fox News would go to prison. As for insulting religion, Stewart also ran clips of Morsi insulting Jews in 2009 and 2010.

The episode that most likely got Youssef in trouble had him in a massive hat modeled after the one Morsi wore in Pakistan when he was awarded an honorary degree. Quoting another U.S. report, Stewart added, "making fun of the president hats and less than fluent English. That was my entire career for eight years! That's all I did," showing parallel images of George W. Bush and Stewart in cowboy hats.

If that wasn't enough to tear Morsi down, Stewart showed a clip of Morsi affirming absolute freedom of expression for his political opponents in an link: "They are Egyptians, they are part of my family from Egypt. There is no way that any harm can come to them because of their opinions... There is no possible way to talk about or discuss jail or imprisonment... There is no possible way to discuss this."

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