Lady Gaga Refused $1 Million for Republican Convention Gig

  • News
  • 12:10 PM - 7 April 2013
  • 1 photo

So, this really happened. Lady Gaga apparently refused a $1 million offer to perform at the 2012 Republican National Convention in support of the party's presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Court documents were made public this week revealing the über liberal hitmaker had been approached to perform at the convention, despite her outspoken views on gay rights, marriage equality, and gender roles that clash with traditionally Republican values. There are many reasons why this pairing makes little sense, most prominent of which is her continued support of Romney's then-rival, incumbent President Barack Obama. She link for the Obamas at the White House inaugural ball this January after his victory.

The court case that unearthed this news came about due to a legal dispute between convention organizers and entertainment company Cater America after the scheduled Lynyrd Skynyrd concert was scrapped.

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