Robert Downey Jr. Does "Iron Man 3" Premiere in Lederhosen

  • News
  • 07:04 PM - 13 April 2013
  • 6 photos

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It's not every day you get to see Hollywood top brass treat the red carpet like a costume party. Well, this is that day and after all, this is Robert Downey Jr. The 48-year-old sported the traditional German lederhosen at the "Iron Man 3" premiere in Munich, proudly displaying his manly calves and green socks for all the world to see.

He posed alongside the ever elegant link down the red carpet than walked.

The robust cast, including Paltrow, Don Cheadle and Sir Ben Kingsley, has been around the world with pit stops in Moscow, China and Korea, promoting the film, which comes out in North American theaters on May 3.

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