Bassem Yousef Tweets: "El Bernameg" off for 3 weeks

  • News
  • 07:38 PM - 13 April 2013
  • 1 photo

TV host and political satirist Bassem Yousef tweetedthat his TV show "El Bernameg" will be stopped for two to three weeksand he will reveal the reasons in his episode next Friday on CBC satellitechannel.

This tweets caused an explosion of rumoursbehind this pase which led for another tweet from Bassem saying it is only avacation for the crew of the program and assured that there is another reasonthat he will speak about in his upcoming episode. Bassem tweeted:"There isan important international event that I should attend, an honoring ceremonythat will make anyone proud, that I shall talk about next episode, if Godwills."

It's worth mentioning that Bassem's lastepisode caused a huge dispute when he attacked the current ruling regime andits relationship to Qatar which led to an attack from a Qatari journalist onEgypt which led to a bigger conflict and more of a crisis.

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