Rock Doc "Mistaken for Strangers" to Open Tribeca Film Festival

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  • 09:16 AM - 17 April 2013
  • 1 photo

For its world premiere, the rock documentary " Mistaken for Strangers" will be opening the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. It follows indie rock band "The National," directed by its lead singer Matt Berninger's brother, Tom Berninger, who tags along with the band on tour toting a camera and asking the hard-hitting questions like "How famous do you think you are?" "How fast can you play?" and "What kind of drugs and how many drugs have you done?" Think " Almost Famous" meets " Step Brothers."

As the trailer shows, the first-time director has trouble finishing things - jobs, projects, etc. The documentary is as much about the director's journey to self-realization as it is about a relationship between two brothers and the band on tour. As Tom says in the clip, "I just want to make something good for him as well as myself."

Tribeca runs from April 17 to 28.

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