Bassem Youssef: MB Responsible for Bloodshed in Moqqattam and Assiut

  • News
  • 04:03 PM - 1 July 2013
  • 1 photo

Satirist Bassem Youssef has taken to Twitter to express his disgust with the Brotherhood's inflammatory rhetoric that has led to recent violence following the June 30 protests. Youssef says the Brotherhood is to blame for recent deaths in Moqqattam, home of the Brotherhood's headquarters in Cairo, and Assiut in Upper Egypt.

The tweet reads (roughly): "the bloodshed in Assiut and Moqqattam is on the [hands] of those in power, who have deluded their followers into thinking that this is a war against Islam and they were created to be zombies who only see blood and revenge."

Clashes broke out at the Brotherhood headquarters in Moqqattam in the wee hours of Monday morning, when anti-Morsi protesters attempted to storm the building. Their attempts were met with gunfire from inside the building, and according to reports, eight died. Clashes in Assiut left three dead and fifteen injured, according to Daily New Egypt.

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