Miriyam Faris Honors July 23 Holiday, Wishes for Peace in Egypt

  • News
  • 02:32 PM - 23 July 2013
  • 3 photos

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Lebanese star Miriyam Faris took to social media to extend a celebratory message to Egypt and her Egyptian fans on the anniversary of the July 23 revolution, a national holiday in Egypt. On her official Facebook page, she posted a photo of herself in front of an Egyptian flag with the message "in memory of the July 23 revolution."

She also tweeted "in memory of the July 23 revolution, with Egypt's circumstances this year in this holy month, we hope that peace and stability prevail in Egypt and all around the Arab world."

Miriyam recently made headlines for a showy dress she wore on Nishan's " Ana wel Assal" that reportedly was embroidered with gold thread and cost over $200,000 US dollars.

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