Afaf Shoeib: If what happened in Egypt is a coup then it's the best coup in the world

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  • 02:20 PM - 18 August 2013
  • 1 photo

In an exclusive statement to , actress Afaf Shoaib stated that she's sad about what's ‘non-Muslim’ Brotherhood (as they can never belong to Islam) is causing in the country. She pointed that they're paid to destroy and burn Egypt, and she wonders about the reasons they burn mosques and churches as well as occupying El Fath mosque.

Afaf added that if what happened in Egypt is a coup then it's the best coup in the whole world­– a coup against the oppression, injustice, treason and all the bad things that happened during the year of Brotherhood rule. She stressed that an international court should be held in Tahrir Square to put the Brotherhood on trial.

She explained that when she previously stated that the 25th of Jan. was a conspiracy against Egypt, she was severely attacked and insulted, although what she had said turned out to be the truth. Afaf assured that she still thinks that Mubarak is a patriot and an honest man, noting that in thirty years he did not do what the Brotherhood did in a year.

Afaf said that most of the people from the Brotherhood, currently in the streets, are women who are paid to be there, and that shocked her. She addressed American president Obama saying: “Mind your own people who are suffering from hunger, isn't it enough what's happening in Syria and Iraq?” accusing Obama to be the main reason behind what's happening in Egypt now.

The actress praised yesterday’s Egyptian Presidential press conference, stating that it was decent and successful, summing up all the current events and including civilized messages to the West and to the Brotherhood. Afaf finished by saying that she's both optimistic and worried about the coming period.

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