President of Egyptian State Television: We stopped airing Turkish shows since the 30th of June

  • News
  • 05:36 PM - 23 August 2013
  • 1 photo

Shokry Abu Emira, President of Egyptian Television and the board member in the Egyptian Filmmakers Syndicate, announced that a decision was made to block all Turkish dramas and not to screen it on Egyptian television. The decision is a reaction to Turkey's position since the June 30th revolution that unseated President Morsi.

A protocol agreement was signed with the Turkish TV authorities under which Egyptian TV received airing rights for a new Turkish show as a gift and not by purchase.

Abu Emira froze the already signed protocol and canceled some of its articles. He also initiated a legal study to look at the rest of the articles.

The Turkish government has staunchly criticized the army-led removal of former president Mohamed Morsi.

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