Video: Amr Mostafa Releases "El Irhab" (Terrorism), Pop Indictment of MB

  • News
  • 06:01 PM - 23 August 2013
  • 1 photo

Singer Amr Mostafa has released a new song titled "El Irhab" Egypt fighting terrorism, a now familiar slogan that satellite channels have been using as a logo in recent weeks. Making sense of current events since Morsi's removal and the dispersal of Brotherhood sit-ins, Mostafa splices together footage of Brotherhood leaders inciting violence and promising retribution in their filmed statements. It also features clips from former Supreme Leader Mohamed Badie's arrest, the burning of churches, pro-Brotherhood gunmen shooting up Zamalek, and the funeral service for the CSF soldiers killed in Rafah last week.

The song was written by Tamer Hussein and composed and produced by Mostafa. The song has been airing on the program "Lazem Nefham," hosted by Magdy Galad on CBC.

Readers might remember Mostafa from an interview directly following the 2011 revolution in which he fervently (i.e. crazy eyes) defended the then freshly deposed Mubarak, and claimed that the revolution was a foreign conspiracy.

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