Ashraf Abdel Ghafour on Khaled Yousef's Selection in Constitution Committee

  • News
  • 04:18 AM - 2 September 2013
  • 1 photo

Ashraf Abdel Ghafour confirmed in a statement to he was very supportive of the decision to include director Khaled Yousef in the 50-member assembly charged with drafting amendments to the 2012 constitution. He said Yousef has been very informed and very active in his political life since January 25, and up until now has had very good ideas and suggestions.

Ghafour explained that Yousef will represent three artistic syndicates, including the Actors Syndicate, though he said he was not sure if it was the presidency or the syndicates who nominated him. Either way, Ghafour said he's pleased with the decision, and Yousef is well-suited for the job.

The syndicate head also indicated that the constitution will not include items only for artists; it will put in place the general principles of the people. But for artists, this means freedom of opinion, creativity, expression, and research.

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