Shaima Hilali Shoots Two Videos with Lebanese Director Walid Nasif

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  • 11:59 PM - 22 September 2013
  • 1 photo

Tunisian singer Shaima Hilali just finished shooting two music videos off of her new album "Wala Yhemak" (Nevermind) with Lebanese director Walid Nasif. The videos were shot over the course of four days in Lebanon.

Shaima affirmed that Nasif gave her many different ideas for the two videos, which Nasif filmed in a very modern and sophisticated cinematic way.

The first song, "Wala Yhemak" was composed and distributed by Jan Mary Riyasha. The lyrics were written by Siham el Shesha'a. The second song, "Adaa Aleik," was written by songwriter Abdalla Abu Raas, composed by Naser el Saleh, and distributed by Waleed Fayyed. The songs are due out shortly.

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