Producer Khaled Helmy, owner of theproduction company “Radio One” has stated to that heis now in preproduction for two TV series whith which he willparticipate in the Ramadan marathon next year, and that he is now inthe final stage of reading both scripts in order to start settling onthe cast and crew for each one.
Helmy revealed that one of the shows isentitled “ Asfour El Ganna” (Bird of Paradise), written by MohamedEl Hinnawy, and the other is “Kalimat Motaqatea'” (Crosswords)written by Wesam Sabry. He also pointed out that there is a chancethat the Media Production City would co-produce “Asfour El Ganna,”which was set to be starred by Layla Alwi.
Khaled Helmy produced “ Fad Ishtibak”(Disengagement), which aired last Ramadan, and he also co-producedthe animated series “ Amir wa Rehlat el Asateer” (Amir and theJourney of Legends).