Yosra: Marrakech Festival is one of the most prominent art gatherings in the world

  • News
  • 10:47 AM - 5 December 2013
  • 1 photo

Egyptian actress Yosra saidthat the Marrkech Film festival in its 13th edition hasbecome one of the most prominent art gatherings in the world. Sheasserted that the festival has established itself as a place fordifferent experiences to meet and a stars magnet.

Yosra added in a statementto Moroccan news agency that the festival is also special in itspublic oriented vision and that she's proud to be a member of theEgyptian delegation.

The festival who started onthe 29th of November is screening the Moroccan “Fever”and the Swedish “Hotell” toda as part of the officialcompetition.

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