Amr Salama: I wish "La Mo'akhza" is met with half the warm reception it met in Luxor

  • News
  • 11:39 AM - 20 January 2014
  • 1 photo

Director Amr Salama thanked the "awesome" audience in Luxor for the warm reception with which they met his new film " La Mo'akhza" (Excuse my French), which was screened yesterday in the opening of Luxor Egyptian and European Film Festival. Salama wished the upcoming screenings will be that satisfying.

"La Mo'akhza" was written and directed by Salama, and stars Kinda Alمoush, Hany Adel and Ahmed Dash, and was produced by Mohamed Hefzy's Film Clinic and distributed by Al Masa.

The film follows a Christian child who fears persecution after being transferred to a new school in a lower social level than his former.

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