Kareena Kapoor Khan wants to do a double role in a film

  • News
  • 05:01 PM - 31 July 2019
  • 1 photo

Kareena Kapoor Khan has been one of the most versatile actresses so far and has portrayed some unconventional roles in the past. She has constantly expanded her horizons when it comes to her professional commitments. The love she has for her work and the way she strikes a balance with work and family is amazing. Her recent commitments have had her juggling between countries.

Now that she is back in the city, Kareena has expressed her desire to do a double role film. She has always loved watching films like Seeta Aur Geeta and Chaalbaaz. She even confessed that she has watched the late Sridevi starrer film over 35 times! Kareena said that it is strange that she has not been offered to do a double role yet because she is dying to do one. On the work front, Kareena has recently wrapped the shoot for Angrezi Medium where she will be seen portraying the role of a cop for the first time. Along with that, she has wrapped up the shoot for Good News and will also be seen in Karan Johar’s magnum opus, Takht.

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