The work follows the story of Bhairathi Ranagal and his rise to the world of fame through his upbringing, his journey to power, and his transformation into one of the most dangerous gangsters in the...Read more Ronapur area.
Manuel and his mother go back to their old house in a middle-class neighborhood. Being suspicious of his motives, Priyadarshini and her friends start collecting evidence since they think he might be...Read more hiding something evil.
It follows YouTuber Kartik, who is famous for conducting loyalty tests and revealing female infidelity. When his friend Nilay asks him to make a plan to escape with his girlfriend, the duo arrive at...Read more the wrong address and encounter a strange girl who accompanies them on an exciting trip.
The plot moves between the past and the present, as a dangerous mission carried out by a police officer is linked to an ancient warrior who fought for his people a thousand years ago.
After the despotic rulers that now rule Rome take control of his hometown, Lucius is compelled to enter the Colosseum and must turn to his past to restore Rome's splendor to her citizens.
In order to save the life of a small kid, a single father and two women leave the protection of their houses and go in search of terrifying creatures.
It follows the story of a once famous boxer, as he goes through a journey of redemption through his past and present, on his first day of fighting since his release from prison.
Elphaba, a young lady misunderstood due to her green complexion, has a strange yet deep friendship with Glinda, a student with an unwavering ambition for fame. Their love quickly comes to a crossroads...Read more when their lives start to go in very different directions after they meet the Wizard of Oz.
After their struggle to overcome all obstacles and make their romantic relationship a success, Ethan and Joy finally meet in Canada, and over time, they discover the changes that have occurred in each...Read more of their personalities.
A man named Boney has feelings for Stefy and wishes to marry her, but the ghost of her late mother haunts her and makes Boney dislike her. The mystical barrier to their relationship presents a...Read more difficulty for him.
It follows the true story of Major Mukund Varadarajan, who embarks on a counter-terrorism mission with a group of soldiers in Kashmir.
A middle-class cashier works in a bank, he discovers one day a cash shortage and quickly finds himself involved in the dark world of money laundering.