The events revolve around the 400-year-old spirit Barroz, who is tasked with guarding the da Gama family treasure, but he faces many challenges during the search for a real person from the family to...Read more receive the treasure.
Set in the heart of the Western Ghats, a fugitive duo seeks refuge at a historic rifle club, setting in motion a series of suspenseful events.
Officer Kumaresan returns to continue his journey in order to arrest the dangerous extremist, Perumal, and in his mission he goes through many obstacles and dangers that put his life on the line.
The policeman Satya Verma clashes with the notorious politician Babbar Sher, and as the matter ends in the death of the latter's son, Satya is forced to fake his death and escape in an attempt to...Read more protect his family from Babbar's possible revenge.