Roz, a brilliant robot, is left behind on an unpopulated island following a shipwreck. However, Roz tends to an orphaned young goose and forms ties with the island's wildlife in an attempt to survive...Read more the tough surroundings.
After the despotic rulers that now rule Rome take control of his hometown, Lucius is compelled to enter the Colosseum and must turn to his past to restore Rome's splendor to her citizens.
Elphaba, a young lady misunderstood due to her green complexion, has a strange yet deep friendship with Glinda, a student with an unwavering ambition for fame. Their love quickly comes to a crossroads...Read more when their lives start to go in very different directions after they meet the Wizard of Oz.
The story follows a young woman and a young man who have been close friends since childhood, and together, they face many different situations and problems with their friends and families, but some...Read more changes suddenly occur in their relationship.
Eddie Brock and Venom are forced to make a fateful decision that will end their final dance as they are being pursued by both of their worlds and danger is closing in.
In order to save the life of a small kid, a single father and two women leave the protection of their houses and go in search of terrifying creatures.
After their struggle to overcome all obstacles and make their romantic relationship a success, Ethan and Joy finally meet in Canada, and over time, they discover the changes that have occurred in each...Read more of their personalities.
A couple takes a black cab, and over time they discover that the driver is taking them to a remote road haunted by terrifying motives and intentions.