The events revolve around a Saudi family who follows strict instructions from their grandfather to stay in the desert during the early nineties. However, a series of events shake the family's...Read more foundations, and they find themselves in a struggle between life and death.
A team of space explorers embark on a voyage to explore a newly discovered wormhole that would theoretically allow them to travel through time and space and save humanity from extinction.
Accidentally left behind when his family goes on summer vacation, Kevin McCallister's newfound freedom is interrupted when a pair of burglars try to break into his house. It's up to Kevin to defend...Read more himself and his home with the aid of some boobytraps.
Rick Blaine is an American expatriate who runs a nightclub in Casablanca during the early days of World War II. Things get complicated when Rick becomes torn between his love for an old flame and...Read more helping her and her husband escape from the Nazis.
An unexpected encounter that culminates in a decade-long, profoundly touching romance transforms the lives of an aspiring chef and a recent divorcee, altering them forever.
Travis Bickle is a lonely ex-Marine and Vietnam veteran, who takes the night shift as a cab driver to cope with his chronic insomnia. He finds himself driven to the brink of insanity as he attempts to...Read more rescue an underage prostitute from her pimp.