The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
Through a different set of social-themed stories full of...Read more suspense and excitement, the series deals in each five episodes with a new tale, about how chance changes our lives, and how love plays a strong role in them.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Through a different set of social-themed stories full of...Read more suspense and excitement, the series deals in each five episodes with a new tale, about how chance changes our lives, and how love plays a strong role in them.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
When Judge Yehia Ezz El-Din is assigned the task of trying...Read more the wealthy Maliki family for corruption, his quest for justice sends him on a dangerous adventure.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Mas'oud's income is low and his life is miserable, he always...Read more fights with his wife Gamila and his mother-in-law, and his father owns a couscous shop. He meets Dr. Madi who offers him ethics for sale in the form of pills, he begins to take them to discover a new life and new characters.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
When Judge Yehia Ezz El-Din is assigned the task of trying...Read more the wealthy Maliki family for corruption, his quest for justice sends him on a dangerous adventure.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Mas'oud's income is low and his life is miserable, he always...Read more fights with his wife Gamila and his mother-in-law, and his father owns a couscous shop. He meets Dr. Madi who offers him ethics for sale in the form of pills, he begins to take them to discover a new life and new characters.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
Through a different set of social-themed stories full of...Read more suspense and excitement, the series deals in each five episodes with a new tale, about how chance changes our lives, and how love plays a strong role in them.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Through a different set of social-themed stories full of...Read more suspense and excitement, the series deals in each five episodes with a new tale, about how chance changes our lives, and how love plays a strong role in them.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
When Judge Yehia Ezz El-Din is assigned the task of trying...Read more the wealthy Maliki family for corruption, his quest for justice sends him on a dangerous adventure.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Mas'oud's income is low and his life is miserable, he always...Read more fights with his wife Gamila and his mother-in-law, and his father owns a couscous shop. He meets Dr. Madi who offers him ethics for sale in the form of pills, he begins to take them to discover a new life and new characters.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
When Judge Yehia Ezz El-Din is assigned the task of trying...Read more the wealthy Maliki family for corruption, his quest for justice sends him on a dangerous adventure.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Mas'oud's income is low and his life is miserable, he always...Read more fights with his wife Gamila and his mother-in-law, and his father owns a couscous shop. He meets Dr. Madi who offers him ethics for sale in the form of pills, he begins to take them to discover a new life and new characters.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
Through a different set of social-themed stories full of...Read more suspense and excitement, the series deals in each five episodes with a new tale, about how chance changes our lives, and how love plays a strong role in them.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
The story of how Abdel Aziz goes through a period of...Read more indecision as he starts his life. He joins an Islamist group for a period before he leaves them to join a leftist political party and eventually leaves them too to become a merchant in Abdel Aziz street and make a fortune
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
Through a different set of social-themed stories full of...Read more suspense and excitement, the series deals in each five episodes with a new tale, about how chance changes our lives, and how love plays a strong role in them.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.
With the loss of his wife, Mukhtar is left to care for his...Read more six children, and he needs to keep up with their age and way of thinking. Additionally, he must choose between his children's lives and the person to whom his heart is attached.