The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
In a parallel dramatic setting, the series takes place...Read more during the 1950s, through several intertwined and sub-stories, where a murder takes place inside a Teatro, and the police begin searching for the killer.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the...Read more engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
In spite of not completing his studies in Al Azhar, the...Read more blind ring seller Misbah knows how to handle people and fix their problems. Allegedly, he is a man of "miracles" and the people of his neighborhood rally around him to be touched by his blessings.
The series follows a teacher who tries to restore good...Read more relations between his former students and their idealistic mother after they go south due to some circumstances. The series also gives solutions to some of society's problems in a comedic and sarcastic way.
The events revolve around the psychiatrist Yusef Zahran, who...Read more learns about many stories and strange worlds through his treatment of his patients, while he seeks to confront his own personal and psychological problems.