The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is...Read more admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.
A historical animated series that reviews in its episodes...Read more the ancient time period (the era of ancient secrets), as well as a number of important historical events.
The program presents various entertainment segments in a new...Read more and different way, including art, cooking, fashion, horoscopes, children, and birthdays, through the set design of the program, which is an extended street simulating a real street, which contains a hairdresser, along with a restaurant, pedestrian areas and a clinic.
The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is...Read more admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.
A historical animated series that reviews in its episodes...Read more the ancient time period (the era of ancient secrets), as well as a number of important historical events.
The program presents various entertainment segments in a new...Read more and different way, including art, cooking, fashion, horoscopes, children, and birthdays, through the set design of the program, which is an extended street simulating a real street, which contains a hairdresser, along with a restaurant, pedestrian areas and a clinic.
The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is...Read more admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.
A historical animated series that reviews in its episodes...Read more the ancient time period (the era of ancient secrets), as well as a number of important historical events.
The program presents various entertainment segments in a new...Read more and different way, including art, cooking, fashion, horoscopes, children, and birthdays, through the set design of the program, which is an extended street simulating a real street, which contains a hairdresser, along with a restaurant, pedestrian areas and a clinic.
A program presented by media personality Ahmed El Moslemany...Read more in which he attempts to provide an accurate review and objective analysis of news and current events in society and the Arab world.
The program highlights many of the problems that Egyptian...Read more citizens, especially those with low incomes, suffer from and aims to serve locations that no one knows about.
The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is...Read more admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.
The program presents various entertainment segments in a new...Read more and different way, including art, cooking, fashion, horoscopes, children, and birthdays, through the set design of the program, which is an extended street simulating a real street, which contains a hairdresser, along with a restaurant, pedestrian areas and a clinic.
The story revolves around an Arabic school teacher who is...Read more admired by his students. When his son is assaulted by some spoiled teenagers at the club, their parents force him to withdraw his police report and events escalate.
A historical animated series that reviews in its episodes...Read more the ancient time period (the era of ancient secrets), as well as a number of important historical events.
The program presents various entertainment segments in a new...Read more and different way, including art, cooking, fashion, horoscopes, children, and birthdays, through the set design of the program, which is an extended street simulating a real street, which contains a hairdresser, along with a restaurant, pedestrian areas and a clinic.
A program presented by media personality Ahmed El Moslemany...Read more in which he attempts to provide an accurate review and objective analysis of news and current events in society and the Arab world.
The program highlights many of the problems that Egyptian...Read more citizens, especially those with low incomes, suffer from and aims to serve locations that no one knows about.