The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
A weekly diverse talk show, where Mona Al Shazly meets with...Read more people away from the tension of daily news and events, to present her audience with original and genuine stories they have never heard of before, about people and heroes who deserve respect and admiration.
An Islamic religious program, presented by Islamic preacher...Read more Dr. Nadia Omara on Al Hayat TV, and is primarily concerned with the jurisprudence of women in the Islamic religion and everything related to them and their lives.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
An artistic evening program presented by Amir Karara. In...Read more each episode, he hosts some celebrities and reviews with them their artistic journey, the difficulties they faced, their relationships with their colleagues, and their daily lives.
The film follows engineer Ibrahim El Ruby, whose wife faces...Read more a huge crisis, after which he resorts to fleeing the city and moving away to a secluded place where he lives for years. He then returns due to emergency circumstances in his life, which exposes him to many difficult situations that impact the course of his life, and the ghost of the old crisis returns to haunt him and his wife.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
An Islamic religious program, presented by Islamic preacher...Read more Dr. Nadia Omara on Al Hayat TV, and is primarily concerned with the jurisprudence of women in the Islamic religion and everything related to them and their lives.
The relationship between the married couple Marwan and Laila...Read more deteriorates and reaches a dead end despite their attempts to fix it. However, things take a shocking turn when they discover that their son has leukemia.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
Farah and Hamza live in an area called Al Mahmeyah, which is...Read more exposed one day to great danger by a group of sharks, so they try to confront them and save the residents and animals.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.
An Islamic religious program, presented by Islamic preacher...Read more Dr. Nadia Omara on Al Hayat TV, and is primarily concerned with the jurisprudence of women in the Islamic religion and everything related to them and their lives.
Farah and Hamza live in an area called Al Mahmeyah, which is...Read more exposed one day to great danger by a group of sharks, so they try to confront them and save the residents and animals.
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of...Read more the market's people, the most important of whom is Taha and his family, who are major textile merchants in the market, and the disputes between them and other merchants, in addition to Rawia, who is led by circumstances to the market.
The series revolves around the issue of marital infidelity...Read more and the secrets of the human psyche through three women (a doctor, a lawyer, and an employee), as the pace of events escalates due to the disputes between the lawyer and her interior designer husband, especially after she accuses him of infidelity, with the relationships among all parties becoming intertwined.