The show centers on the peculiar everyday lives of taxi...Read more drivers employed at Akasya Duragi, a taxi stand, and the unusual situations they encounter on the job.
The show centers on the peculiar everyday lives of taxi...Read more drivers employed at Akasya Duragi, a taxi stand, and the unusual situations they encounter on the job.
After being born an orphan, Miran Aslanbey is raised by his...Read more grandmother, who instills in him from a young age the desire for revenge against Hazar Sadoglu, who, according to her belief, killed his parents. As the years pass, Miran begins to carry out his plan for vengeance.
The show centers on the peculiar everyday lives of taxi...Read more drivers employed at Akasya Duragi, a taxi stand, and the unusual situations they encounter on the job.
The show centers on the peculiar everyday lives of taxi...Read more drivers employed at Akasya Duragi, a taxi stand, and the unusual situations they encounter on the job.
A dramatic series about Amer, who avenges the killing of his...Read more brother by killing a man and his wife. Amer becomes the target of several murder attempts by his wife Taline and his partner Bahaa. When Amer disappears, the investigations seeks to uncover where he is.
The show centers on the peculiar everyday lives of taxi...Read more drivers employed at Akasya Duragi, a taxi stand, and the unusual situations they encounter on the job.