Title Content: Movie - Ragol Laho Maddi - 2000


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The elder millionaire Shaker feels that his days are numbered while having treatment in Germany, and tries to search for his daughter from an illegitimate relationship. Hamido takes advantage of this opportunity to present Manal as his lost daughter.

An elderly millionaire named Shaker has been living in Germany for quite a while. He develops an illness and is admitted to hospital where he learns that he does not have much longer to live. He then returns to Egypt intending to die there. Shaker looks for the son of a porter to help him find a daughter which he fathered with one of his servants outside of marriage, it would have been difficult for him to marry her before travelling abroad. We also meet a ruffian named Hamido who uses his wife, a dancer named Manal, for immoral exploits. Hamido asks Manal to pretend that she is Shaker’s daughter. However her conscience comes back to life and she reveals the truth to Shaker and tells him that she will show him his daughter which we learn is a woman who has gotten lost in the world of prostitution and drug abuse. Shaker tries to rescue his daughter from the life which she has gotten lost in but she is murdered and dies in the hands of her father.