Title Content: Movie - Taymour wa Shafika - 2007


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Taymour (Ahmed elSakka) and Shafika (Mona Zaki) have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love. However, their love is put to the test when he is assigned to be her personal body guard when she's promoted to the position of Minister.

A love story between a private security guard for senior State officials, “Taymour” and Shafeeka, his neighbor, who holds her Ph. D. Shafeeka becomes minister and Taymour finds himself her bodyguard. Because of that, they go-through many problems. Finally, Shafeeka quits the reputable position for the sake of her love.


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Taymour (Ahmed elSakka) and Shafika (Mona Zaki) have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love. However, their love is put to the test when he is assigned to protect her as her personal body guard when she is promoted to the level of Minister.