Title Content: Movie - El Mohager - 1994


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In a desert on the borders of Egypt at a time long ago, Ram ignites his brothers' hatred for his father's love for him. His siblings throw him into a well, but he's rescued and deported to Egypt. After his star rises, his brothers come to him asking for aid without knowing who he is.

In ancient times, in a far away desert, Ram lives with his father (the tribe's chief) and his brothers. Ram's brothers envy him when they realize that their father loves him the most, thus decide to get rid of him. After being sold to Amheyar (the Egyptian Military Chief), Smeheth (Amheyar's wife) tries to seduce him but Ram refuses. After a while, several regions suffer from an unprecedented starvation, hence his brothers resort to Egypt seeking food, only to find that Ram's crops are the only savior.