Title Content: Movie - Dreams of a Reckless Boy - 2007


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A movie that depicts the life of a carefree young man who dreams of stardom and fame as he meets actress Nelly Karim and gets infatuated with her. Is it fame he is after? Or is he after genuine love?

A comedy about a reckless young man who wants to be famous, he accidentally meets superstar Nelly Kareem and falls in love with her. Hence, events develop and many comic paradoxes.


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The movie, which is comic in (flavor), depicts a playboy that dreams of stardom and fame. Due to a coincidence, he meets the (performer) Nelly Kareem. He is subsequently smitten by her, (matters progress) and (comedy ensues).

A comedy about a reckless young man who wants to be famous, he accidentally meets superstar Nelly Kareem and falls in love with her. Hence, events develop and many comic paradoxes.