The series centers on Ghalia, a maid-midwife. After being raped, Moza turns to her and asks her to stand in for her. Ghalia leaves her infant in front of Moza's mother's house after Moza passes away....Read more She is looked after by the latter, and she is raised by her aunt Dalal. On the night of her wedding to Issa, Ghalia reveals a frightening secret she hid it with Moza's death.
Ghalia blames Mahmoud for his bad treatment of his wife Fatima and gives him the good news that she will give birth to a boy, but he does not care about the matter.
The series centers on Ghalia, a maid-midwife. After being raped, Moza turns to her and asks her to stand in for her. Ghalia leaves her infant in front of Moza's mother's house...Read more after Moza passes away. She is looked after by the latter, and she is raised by her aunt Dalal. On the night of her wedding to Issa, Ghalia reveals a frightening secret she hid it with Moza's death.