Title Content: Movie - Hasan wamurqas wakuhin - 1954


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Hassan, Morcos and Cohen own a drug store, and Abbas is the only worker there, who loves Belkis, Hassan's daughter. They hire him with a big salary provided that anyone who give up his work in the store pay a large compensation,after they discovered that Abbas inherited a large fortune.

Hassan, Marqos, and Koheen are the owners of a medicine storehouse. Abbas, the storehouse’s only worker, is in love with Hassan’s daughter Bilqais. After discovering that Abbas has inherited a large sum of money, Hassan, Marqos, and Koheen compel Abbas into a 20 year work contract that stipulates a lower salary than the original, and the payment of a large sum if he leaves his job. Abbas learns that money is the only weapon that he has to bring them to his mercy as well as his lover is Bilqais, the street seller that he would resort to when he was poor.