When Amin Al-Manzalway disappears during a shootout between the Egyptian army and the enemy, Asala suspects that he is injured. Sayed is badly injured by the British soldiers. Fatma suspects that Amin has started his money-forging scheme again. Amin asks Sayed to tell him if his father is alive.
Amin hides mysterious bags in his house. He confesses to Fatma that he is helping the local guerrilla fighters in their struggle against the occupation. Fatma decides to get ammunition to the guerrilla fighters when Amin gets scared, but she is caught by British soldiers.
Fatma escapes and delivers the ammunition to the guerrilla fighters. As the news about the departure of the British forces spread, Amin is saddened that he didn't do more to help the fight. When he tries to sell the house, Fatma refuses and stands in his way.
Amin grows famous based on some fake heroics. As years pass, he gains wealth and influence. When Sayed asks Amin for help, he forces him to pay for the merchandise he is taking.
As Sayed disappears at sea, Fatma holds out the hope that he will return. Amin sends a rotten wood shipment to Abd Al-Haqq and promises to make it up to him. But he reconsiders and threatens to kill Abd Al-Haqq's family. Amin meets his brother Mamdouh and promises to help him.
Sayed finally returns and tells Fatma what happened to him. As Sayed and Fatma prepare for their wedding, Mamdouh grows anxious that Fatma is leaving him, but she promises to bring Sayed to live with them in the same house. Mamdouh tells Sayed to postpone the wedding until he buys Fatma a house.
Amin attends Fatma and Sayed's wedding. He offers Sayed a job, but Fatma objects and tells Amin to stay away from them. When Mamdouh complains about Sayed, Amin threatens to fire Sayed.
Amin advises Rawya not to follow Fatma's example and to marry Seif to live comfortably. Sayed discovers that Amin is planning to seize the family land. When Fatma learns that Amin is trying to force Rawya to wed, she tries to intervene but it is too late.
When Tahsine asks for Amin's support during his campaign for the parliament, Amin's secretary suggests that he run instead. Mamdouh falls in love. Fatma weds Sayed and they move into the room he built.
Fatma discovers that Rawya gave up her share of the house. As Amin tries to convince Fatma to do the same, her refusal is met by a threat on her life unless she gives him what he wants.
Amin gets close to a parliamentary seat. Fatma considers leaking the details of his fake support of the guerilla fighters. Saad asks Asala to prevent Fatma from entering his house. Amin gets Sayed arrested.
As Sayed is charged with dealing drugs, Fatma discovers that Al-Mabrouk married Amin's secretary. Fatma is devastated when Sayed is imprisoned, and Amin tells her that she and Sayed need to leave the country.
As Fatma informs Amin that she is going to expose his lies, he plans to get rid of her. Fatma recounts Amin's story to the fishermen and accuses them of betraying Sayed. When Fatma gets in an accident, Amin believes her dead, but he is shocked to learn that she is still alive.
A riot breaks out on Amin's campaign trail. Mamdouh asks Fatma to expose Amin. Sayed escaped from prison. Tuson asks Amin to drop out of the elections. Tahsine plots to have Amin charged with tax evasion.
Amin tells his brother and sister-in-law to flee before it's too late. When they refuse to listen to him, he shoots and kills them. Amin has Fatma committed to a mental institution. Sayed goes to take revenge on Amin.