Title Content: Movie - Basra - 2010


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The story of a group of young intellectuals living in Egypt as friends, having a lot of ambition and joy, but with the beginning of the Iraq war , it casts a harsh shadow on the group, preventing one of them to travel abroad to continue studying.

A group of intellectually inclined friends live in Egypt. They have a unique outlook on life in terms of their thoughts and behaviors and they are full of life and ambition. However the commencement of the Iraq War sees the long shadow of conflict and turmoil extend its outreach so that they are affected in Egypt. One of them is prevented from travelling abroad to pursue her studies. Her hardship is not isolated but rather becomes symptomatic of the changing fortunes of the group as a whole. Thus the destabilization and distress are not limited to the battle arenas at Baghdad and Basra but extend to the lives of these characters so that lives are shattered and banners – long raised and esteemed – fall and collapse.


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A story that revolves around a group of friends and how the war in Iraq affects their lives.