Title Content: Movie - The Expendables - 2010


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Barney Ross leads a team of skilled mercenaries to assassinate a merciless dictator of a small South American island, only to find themselves caught in a dangerous web of betrayal.

This title is an action film that features an ensemble cast which includes Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Jason Statham and Bruce Willis to name only a few. Since its release in mid-August, the film has received mixed reviews from critics but has nonetheless achieved a considerable measure of success at the box office. The Expendables are a group of elite mercenaries led by Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone). Like all other respectable fighting teams the Expendables is composed of a small set of specialists each of whom boasts a very specific set of talents. Thus, the team includes a blades specialist, a dedicated sniper and a martial artists among other weapons experts. The film opens with a scene set at the Gulf of Aden - not far off the coast of Somalia - where the Expendables have just succeeded in stopping a group of pirates from executing their hostages. Despite the success of their mission there nonetheless appears to be a measure of discord between the members of the team which soon takes the form of open hostility. The team’s leader, Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), succeeds in resolving the dispute - at least for the time being. Soon afterwards, the Expendables are offered a much more challenging assignment. They are tasked with the overthrow of General Garza (David Zayas), a brutal dictator who rules the island of Vilena with an iron fist. Although the Expendables are arguably the best team for such a job, they soon learn that things aren’t always what they appear to be. As their newly assigned mission goes awry, the old fissures among the ranks of the Expendables come back into the picture. This time however, the consequences are much more dire. As the action-packed tour-de-force comes to its nail biting conclusion a curious twist of fate shows us that no matter how far someone has strayed from the path of good, it is never too late for redemption and reconciliation.