The series revolves around Munther Al-Agroudy, whose mother controls all aspects of his life, she even forces him to wear white throughout his life. He tries to choose an independent path, but he gets...Read more into trouble that leads him to prison where he meets many people who change his life.
The doorman Hassanein asks the residents of the building's rooftop not to use the elevator. Abbas tells Mohammed, who serves him, that he mediated for him to extend his service. Lady Zainab asks her son Munther to convince his father to sell the land. Ramzy rents an office in the building.
The series revolves around Munther Al-Agroudy, whose mother controls all aspects of his life, she even forces him to wear white throughout his life. He tries to choose an...Read more independent path, but he gets into trouble that leads him to prison where he meets many people who change his life.